What is Field Control Therapy (FCT)

Unfortunately, conventional medicine only treats the disease’s symptoms by prescribing potentially dangerous medications. Antibiotics, steroids, or surgery are common treatments. Alternative medicine, including reiki, acupuncture, and various other therapies, can provide temporary relief but not long-term relief because they do not address the underlying cause.

what is field control therapy

Functional medicine, like complementary and alternative medicine, necessitates extensive testing and supplementation. Some argue that functional medicine substitutes natural therapies for pharmaceuticals, thereby replacing conventional medicine.

As a result, a system capable of addressing the body’s vast complexity and effectively treating the root causes while maintaining long-term balance is required. Field Control Therapy fills this void (FCT).

What is Field Control Therapy

Field Control Therapy (FCT) is a system of integrative medicine created by Dr. Savely Yurkovsky. It employs numerous disciplines, such as quantum physics, biophysics, toxicology, immunology, immuno-toxicology, endocrinology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and classical homeopathy.

It was developed over time by combining many disciplines, including homeopathy, biophysics, immunology, toxicology, and traditional Chinese medicine. FCT is a type of homeopathy used to treat the body’s many potential stressors and vulnerabilities in a controlled manner. FCT seeks to achieve a state of homeostasis or balance within the body’s cells and organs, allowing them to self-regulate without the use of supplements or medication.

The objective is to restore the body’s homeostasis, which is its ability to regulate its internal conditions to maintain health and function without using supplements or medications.

FCT helps to restore homeostasis by removing impediments from the body’s bioenergetic terrain. Rather than simply masking symptoms, functional correction therapy (FCT) seeks to identify and eliminate the root cause of the disease (the factors that contribute to the body’s weakened state) and to restore the health of damaged cells and organs.

Yarkovsky concluded from his research that the accumulation of environmental toxins is one of the primary factors in the development of chronic illness. The FCT was created to detect these imbalances and assist the body in removing them and regaining its health.

Field Control Therapy And Its Applications

  • Toxins and infections at the root of tissue dysfunction and accompanying symptoms in FCT can be identified using applied kinesiology (muscle testing).
  • The two pillars of FCT, isopathy (nosodes) and organotherapy will form the foundation of your treatment (sarcodes). The body’s natural detoxification processes and repair mechanisms for damaged cells and organs are activated.
  • Homeopathic medicines from pathological specimens such as parasites, fungi, or even metals are known as nosodes.
  • A healthy organ or tissue is used to create a sarcode in homeopathy.
  • A protocol cycle typically lasts between one and four weeks. Each cycle starts with bio-resonance testing to identify specific toxins, pinpoint their locations, and choose the most effective FCT countermeasures. Patients usually take 5-10 FCT remedies at home over 7-15 days (typically, only one drop of the remedy is taken). The remainder of the time should be spent resting and allowing the remedies to work.
  • Because the weakest organs must be strengthened before the stronger ones, the order of the remedies is critical in FCT. Patients return for a follow-up visit at the end of their treatment cycle. Following additional bio-resonance testing, a new round of FCT treatments is administered.
  • With each cycle, the cumulative toxic load is reduced. Six to eight months of FCT treatment is usually required to eliminate a person’s lifetime worth of toxins. Changes in symptoms are common during the first 6-8 weeks of treatment.
  • In addition to taking prescribed medication, patients may need to change their lifestyles, such as adding or eliminating certain activities, foods, and other factors.

The History of Field Control Therapy

According to FCT, toxins and infections are the root causes of most diseases. The problem is that these toxins and infections are so deeply embedded in various tissues and cause such complex layers of dysfunction that traditional herbal medicines, pharmaceuticals, and even homeopathy are incapable of addressing the underlying cause.

FCT has the unique ability to address these toxins and infections on a bioenergetic level, and it does so in a highly individualized manner, clearing or balancing the body’s bioenergetic terrain.

Numerous studies, for example, show that Mercury is a highly toxic substance that can remain dormant in the body’s brain cells, tissues, and organs for many years, causing autoimmunity, neurological diseases like Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis, and even cancer.

However, even with advanced methods such as chelation therapy, consuming binders, and other detoxification aids, detoxifying Mercury is extremely difficult. When detoxing, it is possible to have a detox or healing reaction. Field Control Therapy can decontaminate Mercury in an extremely precise and controlled manner.

Similarly, FCT recognizes that disease cannot exist without organ dysfunction. By taking thyroid medication and adrenal supplements, we can improve the health of organs such as the thyroid and adrenal glands. Although this is sometimes required, it does not always address the underlying cause of organ dysfunction. FCT can not only address the underlying cause of organ dysfunction, but it can also provide organ support through advanced homeopathy.

The laws of physics apply to all matter in the universe, including the human body. Einstein proposed that all matter is made up of energy fields, which led to the formulation of the equation E= MC2.

The human body, in reality, can be compared to a large electromagnet with an energy field. Similarly, different cells, organs, and tissues in the body emit distinct energy signatures or energy fields, with healthy cells emitting coherent or healthy energy fields and unhealthy cells emitting incoherent or unhealthy energy fields. Similarly, each toxin, fungus, bacteria, or virus emits its energy field or frequency, resulting in its energy signature.

FCT takes a method in which various toxins and infections are introduced into the body’s energy field, and if they elicit a stress response, we know that they may be a source of dysfunction. Through a very intricate process, one can determine which infections, toxins, and other infections are stressing the body and what is required to restore balance over time.

Homeopathic remedies are administered in calculated homeopathic dilutions to restore the body’s equilibrium. FCT, like an onion, treats the many possible layers of dysfunction in the body one layer at a time. Symptoms improve gradually, but multiple sessions may be required. If the patient follows the recommended diet and lifestyle, the effect will be greater.

Field Control Therapy looks at your body holistically, as one whole, complex, intelligent, interconnected energetic system.

Field Control Therapy’s Scientific Basis

According to William Tiller, Ph.D. research, “field” refers to “cellular fields,” or the quantum energy fields emitted by the nucleus of every human cell.

The term “control” refers to the important role these fields are thought to play in regulating cellular functions in human physiology. Control can also refer to the ability to direct the activity of quantum energy fields within cells.

Our society typically views the body from a biochemical or pharmaceutical standpoint. Field Control Therapy, on the other hand, is based on the theory that the energy fields of our cells regulate our entire physiology, including our body chemistry. The human body, according to FCT, is an intelligent, self-regulating system composed of and controlled by energetic signals. FCT employs physics or biophysics rather than biochemistry. Field Control Therapy works for reasons beyond the scope of biochemistry but not systems science.

How To Practice Field Control Therapy Properly

The first step in practicing field control therapy is to identify the type of field that the patient is in. For example, if they are in a low-energy field, then they should start by identifying what they are feeling and thinking. If they are in a high-energy field, then they need to think about what thoughts and behaviors would be appropriate for this type of environment.

There are three main types of fields: low energy fields, high energy fields, and no-energy fields. Low energy fields include places like hospitals or prisons where there is little movement or activity going on. High energy fields include places like nightclubs or concerts where there will be lots of action happening all around you. No-energy fields include places like grocery stores or libraries where there is not much going on at all.

Key Takeaway: Field Control Therapy (FCT) is a unique and integrative therapeutic system that combines elements of quantum physics, biophysics, toxicity, immunology, immuno-toxicology, endocrinology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and classical homeopathy. FCT uses the energy of the human body to restore its natural balance and health. It helps to identify and remove the underlying causes of disease, allowing the body to heal itself. FCT is based on the concept that the body’s holistic energy field is the foundation of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By restoring balance to the body’s energetic field, FCT helps to reduce toxicity, improve immunity, and regulate hormones, resulting in improved overall health and well-being.

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