What To Eat After Tooth Extraction – Quick Guide

About 20 million teeth are taken out every year in the U.S. This is because of decay, injury, or too many teeth. What you do after can really help your mouth heal well.

In this article, we’ll tell you what foods to eat after losing a tooth. These foods are easy to eat and can help your mouth heal. They also keep pain low.

Key Takeaways:

  • Approximately 20 million teeth are extracted annually in the United States.
  • Proper post-tooth extraction diet is essential for successful healing.
  • Discover soothing foods that aid in the recovery process.
  • Avoid certain foods that may cause complications or discomfort.
  • Maintaining good oral hygiene and staying hydrated are important during recovery.

Immediate Post-Extraction Diet

After you get a tooth pulled, eating the right food is key. You should eat soft foods that are easy to chew.

Soft foods help your body heal after the extraction. They reduce pain and make recovery smoother. Here are soft foods to eat:

Soft Foods After Tooth Extraction
Mashed potatoes
Scrambled eggs

These foods are gentle on your wound. They give you the nutrients and water you need.

Not everyone heals the same way. Your dentist will tell you how to take care of your mouth. Eating soft foods helps you heal better.

The diet after getting a tooth out is just for a short time. As you feel better, you can start eating normal foods again. But ask your dentist when it’s okay to do so.

Soothing Soups and Broths

Soups and broths help you heal after losing a tooth. They keep you nourished and hydrated. Be sure your soups are not too hot to keep comfy.

Soothing soups after tooth extraction can be smooth or clear. You might like butternut squash soup. It’s soft and good for you.

Clear broths, like chicken, are good too. They’re light and make you feel better. They don’t require much chewing.

Remember to avoid broths or soups that are too hot, as they can increase swelling and discomfort. Lukewarm or room temperature soups and broths are ideal for promoting healing and maintaining your overall well-being.

Let your soups cool a bit before you eat. You can add veggies or tender meat for more nutrients.

Here is a simple recipe for a healing soup:

Ingredients Instructions
– 2 cups of chicken broth 1. Heat the chicken broth in a pot.
2. Bring it to a gentle simmer.
– 1 cup of cooked, shredded chicken 3. Add the cooked, shredded chicken to the simmering broth.
4. Allow it to heat through.
– 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables (carrots, peas, etc.) 5. Add the cooked vegetables to the soup.
6. Stir and let it simmer for a few more minutes.
7. Serve the soup warm, but not hot.

Always talk to your dentist for advice on what to eat after a tooth extraction. They know the best soothing soups after tooth extraction for you.

Soothing Soups after Tooth Extraction

Nourishing Smoothies and Milkshakes

Smoothies and milkshakes help a lot when you’re recovering from tooth extraction. They’re tasty and easy to drink. You get important nutrients to heal well.

Using soft fruits like bananas, berries, or mangoes is good. They’re soft on sore spots and give you good vitamins.

Yogurt makes smoothies creamy and helps your mouth and stomach. Use almond milk or coconut milk if you don’t like dairy.

Adding protein powder helps your body fix itself. It’s good for healing after getting a tooth out.

Here’s a simple recipe to start with:

Refreshing Berry Smoothie Recipe

  1. 1 cup of mixed berries (fresh or frozen)
  2. 1 banana
  3. 1/2 cup of yogurt (Greek yogurt for extra creaminess)
  4. 1/2 cup of milk or plant-based milk
  5. 1 scoop of protein powder (optional)
  6. Ice cubes (optional, for added thickness)

Mix all together until smooth. Enjoy your healing smoothie!

Benefits of Smoothies and Milkshakes Nutritional Value
Easy to consume and digest Provide essential vitamins and minerals
Hydrating Can include protein for tissue repair
Delicious and customizable Can help maintain energy levels

Soft, Protein-Rich Foods

Eating protein-rich foods is key for healing after losing a tooth. These foods help your body heal. Choose soft foods that won’t hurt your mouth.

Scrambled eggs are a great choice. They’re soft and full of protein. You can make them tasty by adding veggies and cheese. They are good for you.

Mashed beans are also good. They’re soft and full of protein and fiber. You can eat them alone or use them as a dip.

Tofu can be used in many recipes. Soft tofu can go in smoothies or puddings. You can also cook tofu to make it soft and tasty.

Always talk to your dentist about what to eat while you heal.

Adding protein-rich foods to your diet helps you heal after a tooth is pulled. Choose soft foods like eggs, beans, or tofu. These are easy on your mouth. Your dentist can give you advice on what to eat while you get better.

Tender Cooked Vegetables and Fruits

It’s important to eat soft foods after tooth extraction. Tender cooked vegetables and soft fruits are good for your healing mouth.

Soft and easy-to-chew vegetables help you heal. Cooked carrots, peas, or sweet potatoes are full of vitamins and minerals. These soft vegetables also make your meals tasty.

Choose soft fruits that are easy to eat. Bananas are soft and can be mashed or sliced. Cooked apples become tender and are good to eat too.

Listen to your body when adding these foods to your diet. Start with small amounts and increase slowly as you heal.

Tender cooked vegetables and fruits are good for recovery. They give you nutrients and make eating enjoyable while you’re healing.

Soft Grains and Pastas

After taking out a tooth, pick foods that won’t hurt your mouth. Soft grains and pastas are great. They have carbs and don’t make eating hard. They help your mouth heal after a tooth is taken out.

soft grains and pastas after tooth extraction

Well-Cooked Quinoa

Quinoa is healthy and easy on your mouth. It’s soft when well-cooked. This makes it perfect after losing a tooth. Have it with veggies or as a side dish.


Oatmeal is a soft food that feels good and is healthy. Make it with milk or water. Add honey or bananas for sweetness. It’s good for breakfast or a warm snack.

Soft Pasta Dishes

Soft pasta is good after a tooth is pulled. Choose soft types like macaroni or penne. Cook them until they’re soft. Serve with a gentle sauce and add veggies or protein for a full meal.

Soft Grains and Pastas Benefits
Well-cooked quinoa – Nourishing and gentle on the mouth
– Easy to chew and digest
– Provides carbohydrates for energy
Oatmeal – Comforting and filling
– Soft texture for easy consumption
– Can be customized with various toppings
Soft pasta dishes – Versatile and satisfying
– Easy to chew with softer pasta varieties
– Can be paired with sauces, vegetables, and protein

Avoid These Foods

After you have a tooth taken out, it’s important to avoid certain foods. This helps you heal well and avoid problems. Below, you’ll find the foods you should not eat:

  1. Crunchy Foods: Don’t eat crisps, chips, popcorn, and hard candies. They might stick in the wound and cause pain or infection.
  2. Spicy Foods: Hot sauce, chili peppers, and strong spices can hurt the healing spot. They may cause pain or sensitivity.
  3. Hard Foods: Stay away from nuts, seeds, and tough meats. Eating these can put too much pressure on the wound and slow down healing.
  4. Acidic Foods: Citrus fruits and acidic drinks like orange juice or soda can upset the wound. They can make it hurt more and heal slower.
  5. Alcohol and Carbonated Beverages: These drinks can interfere with healing and bother the wound area. Drink water and other calm, non-fizzy, non-alcoholic drinks instead.

By not eating these items, you can help your mouth heal better after a tooth is taken out. Eat soft, gentle foods that won’t hurt the healing spot. The right food is very important for healing well.

Hydration and Importance of Oral Hygiene

After a tooth extraction, taking care of hydration and oral hygiene is key. Drinking lots of water helps your body heal quicker. It also eases discomfort. Good water flow in your body means nutrients get to the healing spot better.

To keep your mouth clean after extraction, rinse gently after eating and before sleep. Use a saltwater rinse to clean without harsh stuff. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in warm water (8 ounces). Swish this in your mouth for 30 seconds, reaching all spots of the extraction area. Spit it out gently. Try not to spit too much. This prevents harming the healing spot.

Drinking enough water and keeping your mouth clean help healing. Drink water and other safe liquids like clear soups and herbal teas. Avoid straws to prevent disturbing the healing area.

“Good hydration is key after a tooth extraction. Along with keeping your mouth clean, it helps prevent problems and makes recovery smoother.” – Dr. Emily Thompson, Dental Surgeon

Don’t forget to listen to your dentist after pulling a tooth. Avoid smoking, drinks with alcohol, and hard exercise for a bit. If pain, swelling, or bleeding gets bad, call your dentist.

Benefits of Staying Hydrated and Practicing Oral Hygiene After Tooth Extraction
1. Faster healing and reduced discomfort
2. Proper delivery of nutrients to the healing area
3. Prevention of dry socket
4. Removal of food particles and bacteria
5. Minimization of infection risks

Make sure you drink lots of water and take care of your mouth after extraction. Use saltwater to rinse your mouth. Always do what your dentist says for the best healing.


Eating the right food after getting a tooth pulled is key to healing fast. Choose soft, comforting foods to help your body heal. Be sure to clean your mouth gently with salt water. And don’t spit too much.

If you hurt a lot after the extraction, talk to your dentist. They can give you help and answers. Your dentist wants your mouth to heal well.

By eating soft foods and keeping your mouth clean, you’ll heal quicker. Soon, you’ll be able to enjoy all your favorite meals again. Take good care of your mouth to bounce back fast.


What should I eat after a tooth extraction?

Eat soft foods after pulling a tooth. Choose soups, broths, smoothies, and soft grains that need little chewing.

What are some soothing soups and broths that I can have?

Pick creamy soups or clear broths. Make sure they are lukewarm or cool.

Can I have smoothies and milkshakes after a tooth extraction?

Yes, smoothies and milkshakes are good. Use soft fruits and milk. Add protein powder for more nutrition.

What are some soft, protein-rich foods that I can incorporate into my diet?

Eat soft proteins to help heal. Scrambled eggs, mashed beans, or tofu are good choices.

Which cooked vegetables and fruits are suitable for tooth extraction recovery?

Eat cooked vegetables like carrots, peas, or sweet potatoes. Choose soft fruits like bananas or cooked apples.

Can I eat soft grains and pastas after a tooth extraction?

Yes! Soft grains and pastas are OK. Try well-cooked quinoa, oatmeal, or soft pasta.

What foods should I avoid after a tooth extraction?

Avoid crunchy, spicy, and hard foods. Stay away from chips, nuts, popcorn, and spicy sauces.

How important is hydration during tooth extraction recovery?

Hydration is very important for recovery. Drink lots of water and fluids to stay hydrated.

What is the importance of oral hygiene after a tooth extraction?

Keep your mouth clean. Rinse gently with saltwater. Don’t spit hard to keep the clot safe.

Is following a proper post-tooth extraction diet necessary?

Yes, eat soft, soothing foods and keep your mouth clean. See a dentist if pain lasts.
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