Clinical Studies for Many Conditions Now Enrolling!

Trial-Related Care Included – No Insurance Required

Get Paid Up To $3,000* No-Cost Trial-Related Treatment & Help Advance Medicine for All

Get Paid Up To $3,000* for Free Trial-Related Treatment& Help Advance Medicine for All. Patients Get seen by top doctors in their field at no cost to you. Follow-up visits may be required. They can receive new and advanced medical treatment by leading doctors and hospitals.

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As simple as a doctor's visit

Get seen by top doctors in their field at no cost to you. Follow-up visits may be required.

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Earn money for your time

*Compensation varies by study, you could earn up to $3,000 for participating.

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No-cost study-related medical care

Participants can receive new and advanced medical treatment by leading doctors and hospitals.



When performing clinical trials, researchers put the safety of the participants above all else. Nearly all of the trials currently enrolling are Stage 2 or Stage 3, where the initial stage of testing is complete, and the drug or treatment is determined as safe to expand to a larger population.

locations for clinical trials


The clinical trials that we match you with take place in hospitals, doctor’s offices, universities, and community clinics across the United States and around the world. Our study coordinators can help connect you with the study locations nearest to you.

What is a Clinical Trial?

A clinical trial is a carefully conducted research study into the effectiveness and safety of new and existing medical treatment. Studies may be focused on drugs, medical devices, medical procedures, or patient behavior. 

The goal of a clinical trial is to determine if a new treatment is more effective and/or has less harmful side effects than the standard treatment.  

TrialSearch is your source for hundreds of actively enrolling clinical trials – giving you what you want most – choices to find the trial that’s the best fit for you. And we’re adding new studies all the time. Once you express interest, our medically trained support team will help you understand which trials you may qualify for, all while answering any questions you have along the way.

We work directly with the doctors, clinics and hospitals running the trials, so we always have up-to-date information on the qualification criteria, active locations and enrollment status of every trial in our system, updated in real time.

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